Vol. 3 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Pendidikan Nusantara (January-April)
All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 13 authors from 2 countries (Indonesia & Thailand)
Evaluation of Kapita Selekta College of Islamic Education and its Impact on Student Solution Competence
- VIEW PDF Abstract views: 116 times | PDF downloaded: 24 times | Published: 27-02-2024
Manajemen Berbasis Madrasah Sebagai Penunjang Mutu Pendidikan
- VIEW PDF Abstract views: 172 times | PDF downloaded: 35 times | Published: 29-03-2024
Peran Kyai dalam Pengelolaan Pesantren di Era Global
- VIEW.pdf Abstract views: 206 times | PDF downloaded: 77 times | Published: 29-03-2024
Leadership Strategies of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Principals to Realise Students with Islamic Character
- VIEW PDF Abstract views: 109 times | PDF downloaded: 28 times | Published: 23-04-2024
Effective School Management Through Total Quality Management
- VIEW PDF Abstract views: 129 times | PDF downloaded: 25 times | Published: 24-04-2024
Management in Efforts to Improve the Quality of Human Energy
- VIEW PDF Abstract views: 87 times | PDF downloaded: 28 times | Published: 24-04-2024